Background: Stimulated by the concept of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES), minimizing the access even further has become a new trend in minimally invasive surgery. We compare our recently described new method of endoscopic single-access adrenalectomy with the conventional retroperitoneoscopic approach in a matched-pairs study.
Methods: Fifty single-access retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomies (SARA) were performed in 47 selected patients suffering from Conn's adenomas (n = 20), pheochromocytomas (n = 15), Cushing's adenomas (n = 6), and other diseases (n = 6). For SARA, a single 2-cm skin incision beneath the 12th rib was used. Following creation of the retroperitoneal space with the rigid endoscope, dissection was carried out single-handed. Another 47 patients served as control group; they were treated by the traditional retroperitoneoscopic three-port approach (CORA). Patients were matched with respect to gender, body mass index, diagnoses, tumor size, and tumor site.
Results: Mortality was zero and no major complications occurred in both groups. SARA was completed in 41 cases (86%). The overall complication rate was 8.5% in SARA and 6.4% in CORA. Operative time was longer for SARA (56 +/- 28 min) than for CORA (40 +/- 12 min) (P < 0.05). Postoperatively, pain medication was administered in 47% of SARA patients and in 75% of CORA patients (P = 0.01). Mean hospital stay was 2.4 +/- 0.7 days (SARA) and 3.1 +/- 1.2 days (CORA) (P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Because feasibility and safety of SARA could be demonstrated in a large group of selected patients, this surgical technique may represent a new milestone in minimally invasive endocrine surgery.