The methods for non-surgical biliary drainage for the treatment of obstructive jaundice generally include transpapillary one, or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and percutaneous one, or percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD). In placing internal drainage, a stent is frequently inserted through the route of the drainage. However, transpapillary approach may be infeasible in patients, if cannulation is difficult, drainage cannot reach the duodenal papilla, and percutaneous approach may be infeasible in patients, if the intrahepatic bile duct is not be expanded. Endosonography-guided biliary drainage (ESBD) is a new method enabling internal drainage of an obstructed bile duct. In this study, the transpapillary ESBD approach was successfully applied to a patient having obstructive jaundice due to cancer of the head of the pancreas during the treatment of ovarian cancer although internal drainage via transpapillary and percutaneous approach was not applicable to this patient. So far, few studies have reported the use of ESBD. Although a large-scale, multicenter study is required to investigate the indications and complications of ESBD, it is no doubt that we have now more treatment options for non-surgical biliary drainage.