Five-year survival rates for childhood cancer now exceed 80% and with the significant progress made by the transplant community in developing less toxic conditioning regimens and in the treatment of posttransplant complications, allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) contributes significantly to that population of long-term survivors. In this context, the acute and long-term toxicities of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) have an ever-increasing effect on organ function, quality of life, and survival; patients and families who initially felt great relief to be cured from the primary disease, now face the challenge of a chronic debilitating illness for which preventative and treatment strategies are suboptimal. Hence, the development of novel strategies that reduce and or control cGVHD, preserve graft-versus-tumor effects, facilitate engraftment and immune reconstitution, and enhance survival after allo-HSCT represents one of the most significant challenges facing physician-scientists and patients.
Published by Elsevier Inc.