A measurement of two-particle correlations with a high transverse momentum trigger particle (p(T)(trig) > 2.5 GeV/c) is presented for Au+Au collisions at square root(s(NN)) = 200 GeV over the uniquely broad longitudinal acceptance of the PHOBOS detector (-4 < Delta eta < 2). A broadening of the away-side azimuthal correlation compared to elementary collisions is observed at all Delta eta. As in p+p collisions, the near side is characterized by a peak of correlated partners at small angle relative to the trigger particle. However, in central Au+Au collisions an additional correlation extended in Delta eta and known as the "ridge" is found to reach at least |Delta eta| approximately = 4. The ridge yield is largely independent of Delta eta over the measured range, and it decreases towards more peripheral collisions. For the chosen (p(T)(trig) cut, the ridge yield is consistent with zero for events with less than roughly 100 participating nucleons.