Objective: To reveal a possible reduction of the aorto-mesenteric angle and to diagnose suspected cases of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome. It was controlled, prospective study in which, in order to reveal a possible reduction of aorto-mesenteric angle, the following techniques.
Materials and methods: In a cohort of patients referred to our department by their general practitioners for unexplained dyspepsia and/or abdominal pain an abdominal ultrasonography with power colour Doppler was performed; patients with reduced SMA angle were screened by gastroduodenoscopy, hypotonic duodenography, contrast-enhanced spiral computerized tomography.
Results: In a cohort of 1468 patients, 460 subjects were taken into consideration, specifi cally the patients where US and power colour Doppler had been adequately performed. US detected a signifi cant reduction of the SMA angle in 20 of those patients; in these 20 subjects, gastroscopy showed duodenal compressive pulsation in 5 of the 20 patients under examination, and X-ray revealed a compression of the third segment of the duodenum in 18 of them. The following CT examination confi rmed the presence of a reduced angle and various degrees of duodenal compression in all patients. US and CT examinations gave overlapping results (p>0.05) in diagnosing pathological aorta-mesenteric angle.
Conclusions: The analysis of data led the authors to believe that the incidence of reduced aorto-mesenteric angle and SMA syndrome might be underrated. US power colour Doppler imaging that is a rapid, repeatable, and non invasive, low cost and easy to perform diagnostic procedure, is useful in epidemiological screening of reduced aorto-mesenteric angle to diagnose suspected cases of SMA syndrome in patients with inexplicable abdominal pain.