Two-dimensional echographic and color Doppler studies of the heart and carotid arteries (CA) were performed in 45 patients greater than sixty-five years old without aortic stenosis, 23 with (Group 1) and 22 without (group 2) precordial ejection systolic murmur (SM). Aortic cusps thickening was found in 11 Group 1 (48%) and 2 Group 2 (9%) patients (p less than 0.001). Aortic root and aortic arch size were similar in the two groups. Maximum aortic flow velocity was significantly greater in Group 1 (200 60 cm/sec) than in Group 2 (120 20 cm/sec) (p less than 0.001). Left ventricular outflow systolic maximum velocity was similar in the two groups. A bilateral neck murmur was heard in 10/23 Group 1 patients (43%); in this group, patients with cervical SM had a greater maximum aortic flow velocity than those without cervical SM (230 + 60 cm/sec vs 172 + 32 cm/sec, p less than 0.001). In Group 1, 3 patients had a cervical SM louder on one neck side; only in these 3 patients were ipsilateral obstructive CA plaques found. A unilateral neck SM was heard in 4/22 Group 2 patients (18%); in these 4, ipsilateral obstructive CA were found.
Conclusions: (1) in the elderly, precordial ejection SM is related to mild increase in maximum aortic flow velocity and thickening of aortic cusps; (2) in patients with precordial SM radiated to both neck sides, maximum aortic flow velocity tends to be more markedly increased; (3) in patients with precordial SM, a cervical SM louder on one neck side should suggest coexistent ipsilateral CA stenosis.