In the rat liver, the microsomal content of cytochrome P-450 decreased by 50% after triiodothyronine (T3) administration. The molecular basis for the decreased cytochrome P-450 levels was investigated. The activities of the enzymes involved in heme synthesis or degradation were not altered by thyroid hormone administration. The incorporation of 3H-delta-aminolaevulinate into the liver microsomal heme was markedly reduced in T3-treated rats. The latter appeared not to reflect a lowered binding affinity of the apoprotein moiety of cytochrome P-450 for heme. The sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of the microsomal preparation showed a decrease in apocytochrome P-450. It is suggested that the amount of the apocytochrome may be the primary event affected in the formation of cytochrome P-450, by triiodothyronine treatment of thyroidectomized rats.