Introduction: Insect venom allergy requires a high level approach adequate to allergy intensity. In case of severe IgE-mediated sting reactions, in children older than five years, venom immunotherapy is a treatment of choice.
Aim: Identification of current practices applied to venom allergic children in Poland and their adherence to the international guidelines.
Method: Questionnaire survey concerning diagnostic and treatment rules was carried out in 8 centres of pediatric allergology, based on a similar audit conducted in the United Kingdom [Diwakar L. et al. Clin Exp Allergy 2008, 38: 1651].
Results: In 5 centres both RAST and SPT tests were used as the first line of investigation. Subsequently 6 centres performed IDT. In three centres baseline serum tryptase levels were estimated. In case of sensitization to both bee and wasp venom in a child with the history of severe systemic reaction, but uncertain culprit insect, specific venom immunotherapy with both venoms was practised by 2 centres. In systemic reaction and not-detectable IgE in 6 centres child was followed-up in 6-12 months. Antihistamine premedication concerned all children in 7 centres. Six-week interval between booster doses was applied in half of centres. A target dose equal 100 mcg was used in 7 centres. Similarly all centres practiced 3-5 five year period of VIT.
Conclusions: In Poland current practice with venom allergic children was conducted in congruence with most of the recommendations.