Several studies have demonstrated an inverse relation between serum selenium levels (Se) and advanced prostate cancer (PCa).
Objective: To determine and compare selenium plasma levels in patients with different prostatic pathologies.
Material and methods: It is a transversal, descriptive and comparative study. A sample of 64 men between 50 and 80 years old were selected for the study between 2007 and 2009. All volunteers underwent a digital rectal examination, prostate specific antigen level, ultrasound and transrectal prostate biopsy (12-14 chips). Prostate cancer was subclassified according to Gleason Score. Selenium was determined indirectly by serum Glutathione peroxidase (Kit Ransel, Randox SRL, Crumlin, UK). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA I (p<0.05).
Results: Glutathione Peroxidase level was 33.75+/-2.36 mg/ml in control patients. A decrease of 31.6% was observed in patients with BPH (23.08+/-1.57 mg/ml) and of (63.6%) in subjects with prostate cancer (12.28+/-1.03 mg/ml) (p<0,0001). There was no correlation with the Gleason Score.
Conclusion: Serum Seleniun is lower in patients with prostatic pathologies being even more important in cancer patients regardless the Gleason Score.