Purpose of review: Recently, notable progress has been made in the field of anesthesia drugs and airway management.
Recent findings: Anesthesia in prehospital emergencies and in the emergency department is reviewed and guidelines are discussed.
Summary: Preoxygenation should be performed with high-flow oxygen delivered through a tight-fitting face mask with a reservoir. Ketamine may be the induction agent of choice in hemodynamically unstable patients. The rocuronium antagonist sugammadex may have the potential to make rocuronium a first-line neuromuscular blocking agent in emergency induction. Experienced healthcare providers may consider prehospital anesthesia induction. Moderately experienced healthcare providers should optimize oxygenation, hasten hospital transfer and only try to intubate a patient whose life is threatened. When intubation fails twice, ventilation should be performed with an alternative supraglottic airway or a bag-valve-mask device. Lesser experienced healthcare providers should completely refrain from intubation, optimize oxygenation, hasten hospital transfer and ventilate patients only in life-threatening circumstances with a supraglottic airway or a bag-valve-mask device. Senior help should be sought early. In a 'cannot ventilate-cannot intubate' situation, a supraglottic airway should be employed and, if ventilation is still unsuccessful, a surgical airway should be performed. Capnography should be used in every ventilated patient. Clinical practice is essential to retain anesthesia and airway management skills.