Introduction: This study estimates the costs for the national health insurance in 2007 of the patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) according to therapies modalities.
Method: Data for all patients covered by the general health insurance scheme (77% of the French population) from hospital discharge and outpatients reimbursement databases were linked. ESRD therapies were identified using an algorithm mainly based on discharge diagnosis and immunosuppressive drugs refunds.
Results: Extrapolated to all French population at the end of 2007, 60,900 patients had an ESRD therapy: 30,900 were treated on haemodialysis (HD) (51%), 2600 on peritonea dialysis (DP) (4%) and 27,300 had a kidney transplant (45%). Patients with dialysis therapies had more often complementary universal coverage for low earners. According to the French regions, patient treated with DP were between 0 to 26% and 19 to 57% for those with a transplant. The total refund cost for National Health Insurance was four billion euro of which 77% for HD. Annual mean costs per patient were 64 keuro for DP, 89 keuro for HD, 86 keuro for the year of transplantation and 20 keuro for the following years. A 25% increase of DP would allow a decrease of the annual cost of 155 millions euro and 900 transplantations more each year during 10 years a decrease of 2.5 billions euro.
Conclusion: The increase of ESRD prevalence and its total cost require patients and professionals information and formation about the less expensive and more autonomous therapies and others alternatives facing the lack of kidney transplants from deceased donors.
Copyright 2010 Association Société de néphrologie. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.