This study was aimed to establish a method of PCR combination with PCR-RFLP for detecting the South-East Asian (SEA) deletion type alpha-thalassemia 1 and non-deletion mutation of Hb Constant Spring (CS), and to investigate the application value of this method. For the members of the families with alpha-thalassemia, SEA deletion mutation was detected by PCR, then the HbCS point mutation was screened by PCR-RFLP. The results indicated that 15 carriers with alpha-thalassemia (--(SEA)/) were found in 19 members from 7 families, and 2 families with genotype of --(SEA)/alpha(CS)alpha were screened out successfully. It is concluded that the PCR combination with PCR-RFLP is a simple, rapid, and reliable method for screening HbH disease with genotype of --(SEA)/alpha(CS)alpha.