The three-tiered Raf-MEK-ERK kinase module is activated downstream of Ras and has been traditionally linked to cellular proliferation. Mammals have three Raf, two Mek and two Erk genes. Recently, the analysis of protein-protein interactions in the pathway has begun to provide a rationale for the redundancy within each tier. New results show that the MEK-ERK-activating unit consists of Raf hetero- and homodimers; downstream of Raf, MEK1-MEK2 heterodimers and ERK dimers are required for temporal and spatial pathway regulation. Finally, C-Raf mediates pathway crosstalk downstream of Ras by directly binding to and inhibiting kinases engaged in other signaling cascades. Given the roles of these interactions in tumorigenesis, their study will provide new opportunities for molecule-based therapies that target the pathway.
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