Background: Pigmentary demarcation lines (PDL) are physiological abrupt transition lines between hyperpigmented skin and lighter areas. Recent evidence suggests that they involve the face.
Aims: To survey facial PDL in Saudi females referred to general dermatology clinics for various complaints and determine any associated risks.
Methods: Screening for facial lines was done in general dermatology clinics over a year. Whenever a patient was found to have facial PDL, a detailed questionnaire and examination were undertaken.
Results: Out of 1033 patients screened, 144 patients (14%) were found to have at least one of the facial PDLs. The median age of onset was 16 years. The most common line was F with 76 patients (53%). Family history was positive in 51 patients (35%).
Conclusion: Facial PDL is a common and chronic pigmentary problem in Saudi women. It should be recognized and differentiated from other similar diseases like melasma. A significant proportion of patients have a milder presentation.