In order for the schools of medicine to produce high quality physicians, they have to provide high quality education as well as they must ensure that knowledge building is taking place in the course of the programme and that the students whose efforts and/or abilities do not allow achievement of the required criteria are eliminated. Exams used to be the standard quality control tool. However, current information technologies allow doubling-up of this control; retaining the traditional examinations but preceding them with the requirement to complete multiple-choice tests. The text summarizes our experience with examining the students' mental presence during teaching with tests and our plans for the combined form of exit control using tests, completion of which will be prerequisite to admission to the exam itself. We do not believe that tests should completely replace exams but we do believe that the requirement to pass the exam should only take place following previous successful completion ofa test. This is achievable ifwe manage to establish a computer teaching room, i.e. examination room, and transform a vast number of questions into high quality multiple choice tests.