Corpus callosum (CC) area abnormalities have been reported in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of adults and youths with bipolar disorder (BPD), suggesting interhemispheric communication may be abnormal in BPD and may be present early in the course of illness and affect normal neuromaturation of this structure throughout the lifecycle. Neuroimaging scans from 44 youths with DSM-IV BPD and 22 healthy controls (HC) were analyzed using cross-sectional area measurements and a novel method of volumetric parcellation. Univariate analyses of variance were conducted on CC subregions using both volume and traditional area measurements. Youths with BPD had smaller middle and posterior callosal regions, and reduced typical age-related increases in CC size. The cross-sectional area and novel volumetric methodologies resulted in similar findings. Future longitudinal assessments of CC development would track the evolution of callosal abnormalities in youths with BPD and allow exploration of the functional significance of these findings.