This paper discusses the role of MRI in the assessment of the cardiac anatomy and function. Cardiac MRI offers the possibility of precise quantitative heart evaluation (also in measuring the volume and mass of the heart ventricles). It is characterised by high reproducibility compared with that of echocardiography. For the assessment of the heart and the great vessels the Spin Echo and Fast Spin Echo sequences are used. The observation of the heart function is possible in Gradient Echo sequences, in the cine mode. Contrast enhancement sequences allow the assessment of the heart perfusion, the detection and scope of ischaemic area and post-infarction scar as well as the differentiation between necrotic tissue from stunned muscle. In many cardiac conditions MRI may play an important role. They include ischaemic heart disease, cardiomyopathies, cardiac defects and less common pathologies such as tumours, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis and haemochromatosis. The use of cardiac MRI in the diagnostics of those conditions is discussed.