DNA expression profiles of non-small cell lung cancer

Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi. 2009 Jan 20;12(1):8-15. doi: 10.3779/j.issn.1009-3419.2009.01.002.


DNA expression profi ling using microarray technology has been applied to studies on the molecular classifi cation of lung cancers, pathogenetic alterations in gene expressions and cellular pathways, prediction of prognosis and metastasis, customized therapies, and drug development. Due to the wide variation in technical factors, different cohorts of patients and biological heterogeneity, the major hurdle to successful clinical application is lack of robustness, reliability and reproducibility of data. With better standardization and better analytic approaches to cut down the noises from the high dimensionality of data, microarray technologies may be ready to make its way to the doctor's offi ce with contribution to personalized treatment of lung cancer in the future.