The stop signal task is used to investigate inhibition of an initiated response. Converging evidence suggests that right inferior prefrontal cortex is involved in this behavior, although other regions in the prefrontal cortex have also been implicated. One technique used to determine the contribution of specific cortical regions to behavior is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). In the present study, fourteen subjects performed the stop signal task before and after receiving a train of rTMS to the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The effects of rTMS were determined using event-related potential (ERP) measures that have been associated with response inhibition in previous studies. Stimulation of left and right DLPFC did not affect ERP measures of response inhibition. This negative finding is interpreted with caution, but is consistent with a recent study which found that stimulation of the same region had no effect on a behavioral measure of response inhibition.