Mouse embryos homozygous for the mutant gene Loop-tail (Lp) are characterized by craniorachischisis, an open neural tube extending from the midbrain to the tail. In the present study, experimental chimeric mice containing mixtures of genetically mutant (from Lp/+ x Lp/+ matings) and genetically normal cells were produced. Our aim was to determine whether a 'rescue,' phenotypic gradient, or intermediate expression (i.e. alternating areas of open and closed neural tube) would be observed in these chimeras. We report our analyses of Loop-tail mutant chimeras (n = 82) by gross examination, progeny testing and quantitative analysis of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) isozyme levels. An all-or-none craniorachischisis in Loop-tail mutant chimeras was observed. Two multicolored adult chimeras, without any gross evidence of a neural tube defect, were shown to be homozygous Loop-tail chimeras (Lp/Lp in equilibrium +/+) by progeny testing. These results indicate that the normal phenotype can be expressed in the presence of mutant cells. Conversely, six neonates with craniorachischisis were shown to be chimeras by GPI analyses. These results show that the full mutant phenotype can be expressed even when one-third to one-half of the cells are genotypically wild-type. This study did not determine which tissue is primarily responsible for the defective neurulation in this mutant, but suggests that a 'threshold' mechanism underlies the Loop-tail mutant phenotype. In some chimeras that threshold is not reached and the neural tube remains open, whereas in other chimeras the threshold is reached and the neural tube closes completely.