Transplantation of cryopreserved intact ovaries from cancer patients is a technically challenging option for restoring fertility after sterilizing cancer therapy. In this paper we describe an assay based on 17ß-oestradiol (oestradiol) production, to monitor the functional damage sustained by the ovarian tissue during the freeze/thawing procedure. To this end, fresh bovine ovarian cortical biopsies were cultured in vitro for 7 days. As a control, the oestradiol release of biopsies that had sustained maximal cryodamage was analyzed. In addition the oestradiol release by cortical biopsies from two ME2SO perfused and cryopreserved intact ovaries was analyzed. Oestradiol production could be measured in culture supernatants, while oestradiol release of maximal cryo-damaged biopsies was at background levels. In vitro oestradiol release by cortical biopsies can be used as a functional marker for cryo-damage and indicates that our assay is suitable to optimize the cryopreservation procedure of intact ovaries.