A total of 71 522 records (from 3154 horses) with the times per kilometre (TPK), recorded in Spanish Trotter horses (individual races) from racing performances held from 1991 to 2007, were available for this study. The TPK values for the different age groups (young and adult horses) and different distances (1600-2700 m) were considered as different traits, and a bi character random regression model (RRM) was applied to estimate the (co)variance components throughout the trajectory of age groups and distances. The following effects were considered as fixed: the combination of hippodrome-date of race (404 levels); sex of the animals (3 levels); type of start (2 levels) and a fixed regression of Legendre polynomials (order 2). Those considered as random effects were the random regression Legendre polynomial (order 1) for animals (9201 animals in the pedigree); the individual environment permanent (3154 animals with data) and the driver (n = 957 levels). The residual variance was considered as heterogeneous with two classes (ages). The heritability estimated by distance ranged from 0.12 to 0.34, with a different trajectory for the two age groups. Within each age group, the genetic correlations between adjacent distances were high (>0.90), but decreased when the differences between them were over 400 metres for both age groups. The genetic correlations for the same distance across the age groups ranged from 0.47 to 0.78. Accordingly, the analysed trait (TPK) can be considered as positive genetic correlated but as different traits along the trajectory of distance and age. Therefore, some re-ranking should be expected in the breeding value of the horses at different characteristics of the racing. The use of RRM is recommended because it allows us to estimate the breeding value along the whole trajectory of race competition.
Copyright 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.