To evaluate the presence of drug resistance mutations in antiretroviral-naive patients in Dakar (Senegal), cross-sectional studies were conducted since the circulation of ARVs in the country. Protease and RT genes were sequenced in 96 baseline samples from patients included in the Senegalese Initiative for Antitretroviral Access treatment between 1998 and 2001 and for 104 samples from naive, recently diagnosed patients in 2003, 2005, and 2007. Phylogenetic analysis showed a predominance of CRF02_AG [128/200 (64%)] and a high genetic diversity with 10 other variants and 25 URFs. Analysis for the presence of drug resistance mutations according to the WHO SDRM 2009 list showed a prevalence of 4.16% for nucleoside inhibitors and 1.04% for protease inhibitors at the start of the structured Senegalese ART initiative and 1.9% for protease inhibitors at the time of scaling up. The prevalence in untreated patients remains low and stable, below 5% after 10 years of ARV circulation.