The protective capacity of many currently used vaccines is based on induction of neutralizing antibodies. Many pathogens, however, have adapted themselves in different ways to escape antibody-based immune protection. In particular, for those infections against which conventional neutralizing antibody-based vaccinations appear challenging, CD8 T-cells are considered to be promising candidates for vaccine targeting. The design of vaccines that induce robust and long-lasting protective CD8 T-cell responses however imposes new challenges, as many factors such as kinetics and efficiency of antigen-processing and presentation by antigen presenting cells, T-cell repertoire and cytokine environment during T cell priming contribute to the specificity and functionality of CD8 T-cell responses. In the following, we review the most prominent aspects that underlie CD8 T-cell induction and discuss how this knowledge may help to improve the design of efficient CD8 T-cell inducing vaccines.
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