HIV-positive women with pelvic inflammatory disease have been reported to have an increased prevalence of tuboovarian masses (TOMs). The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of asymptomatic ultrasonographic TOMs in women with HIV and to identify associated factors in order to formulate a selective ultrasonographic screening strategy. Two-hundred and four HIV outpatients underwent transvaginal ultrasonography. Eight (3.9%) had a diagnosis of TOM (5 were asymptomatic). Two profiles of patients at risk for TOM were identified who could be considered for selective screening strategies: the 'long-term infected' (age>35 years, diagnosis of HIV infection more than 5 years ago, HIV clinical category C, CD4 counts below 200/mm(3), >5 lifetime partners and on antiretroviral therapy) and the 'recently diagnosed with HIV' (African ethnicity, age 25-35, HIV diagnosis in the previous year, >5 lifetime partners, HIV clinical category C and not on antiretroviral therapy).