This study demonstrates morphological differences between aecial and telial stages of the autoecious rust Puccinia tuyutensis. The aeciospores possess 'verrucose' ornamentation while the teliospores have smooth surfaces. The aecial and telial haustoria of this rust produced in the mesophyll of Cressa cretica differ morphologically in the following respects:(1) the haustorial mother cell of telial haustorium is more differentiated than that of aecial haustorium and its wall at the penetration site is composed of 4 layers; (2) the aecial haustorium is filamentous in appearance and slightly constricted at the point of entry into the host cell, while the telial haustorium is clavate and possesses a narrow neck with a densely staining neckband and swollen body; (3) the neck of the telial haustorium is always associated with numerous vesicles while that of the aecial haustorium is not. Vascular tissue of host leaves is heavily invaded by aecial haustoria but not by telial haustoria.