The exchange of genetic material among bacterial strains and species is recognized as an important factor determining their evolutionary, population genetic, and epidemiological features. We present a detailed analysis of nonvertical inheritance in Legionella pneumophila, a human pathogen and facultative intracellular parasite of amoebas. We have analyzed the exchange of L. pneumophila genetic material with other bacteria at three different levels: population genetics, population genomics, and phylogenomics. At the population genetics level, we have analyzed 89 clinical and environmental isolates after sequencing six coding loci and three intergenic regions for a total of 3,923 bp. In the population genomics analysis, we have studied the roles of recombination and mutation in the common portion of the genome sequence of four L. pneumophila strains. In the phylogenomic analysis, we have studied the phylogenetic origin of 1,700 genes in the L. pneumophila pangenome. For this, we have considered 12 possible phylogenetic alternatives, derived from a reference tree obtained from 104 genes from 41 species, which have been tested under a rigorous statistical framework. The results obtained agree in assigning an important role to nonvertical inheritance in shaping the composition of the L. pneumophila genome and of the genetic variation in its populations. We have found a negative correlation between phylogenetic distance and likelihood of horizontal gene transfer. Phylogenetic proximity and increased chances resulting from sharing the ecological niche provided by the amoeba host have likely had a major influence on the rate of gene exchange in Legionella.