The male-produced aggregation pheromones of Tetropium fuscum (F.) and T. cinnamopterum Kirby were identified as (2S,5E)-6,10-dimethyl-5,9-undecadienol by chemical analysis, synthesis, electronantennography, and field trapping; the compound is here renamed "fuscumol". The effect of fuscumol chirality, alone or with host volatiles, and fuscumol release rate on Tetropium spp. was tested in field-trapping experiments in Nova Scotia and Poland. Both (S)-fuscumol and racemic fuscumol synergized trap catches of male and female T. fuscum, T. cinnamopterum, and T. castaneum (L.) when combined with a blend of host monoterpenes and ethanol. Without added host volatiles, fuscumol was either unattractive (in Nova Scotia) or only slightly so (in Poland). (R)-Fuscumol, alone or in combination with host volatiles, did not elicit increases in trap capture of any Tetropium species, relative to the controls. Fuscumol synergized attraction of both sexes to host volatiles, thus indicating it acts as an aggregation pheromone. Sex ratio was often female-biased in traps baited with fuscumol plus host volatiles, and was either unbiased or male-biased in traps with host volatiles alone. In traps with host volatiles and racemic fuscumol, mean catches of Tetropium species were unaffected by fuscumol release rates ranging from 1 to 32 mg/d. The attraction of three different Tetropium species to the combination of (S)-fuscumol and host volatiles suggests that cross-attraction may occur where these species are sympatric, and that reproductive isolation possibly occurs via differences in close-range cues. These results have practical applications for survey and monitoring of T. fuscum, a European species established in Nova Scotia since at least 1980, and for early detection of T. castaneum, a European species not presently established in North America.