Objective: The authors of the following work have attempted to assess the usefulness of elastography in the uterine cervix examination before induction of labor
Material and methods: Sixteen pregnant women, hospitalized at the Department of Obstetrics and prepared for labor induction due to post-term pregnancy or diabetes, were examined. Differences in stiffness of anterior and posterior cervical wall was assessed by means of elastography. The results were compared to Bishop Score and correlation with reaction to Oxytocin infusion was calculated.
Results: There was no statistically significant correlation between cervical consistence assessed by vaginal examination and by elastography. Correlation between the Bishop Score and cervical consistence assessed manually was not statistically significant. Authors found strong correlation between elastography results and success of labor induction.
Conclusions: Cervical assessment by means of elastography predicts the results of labor induction with Oxytocin better than vaginal examination.