In vivo recombination events involving the 75-kilobase lactose proteinase plasmid pCI301 of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis UC317 and the conjugative enterococcal plasmid pAM beta 1 were analyzed. A fragment, identified as containing the pCI301 recombination site, mediated greatly elevated levels of mobilization and recombination with pAM beta 1 when cloned in a nonmobilizable L. lactis-Escherichia coli shuttle vector. This latter recombination event was site and orientation specific on both plasmids. Recombination on pAM beta 1 was within the region associated with plasmid replication, but no effect on pAM beta 1 replication functions was detected. Resolution of recombinant plasmids generated derivatives indistinguishable from the parental plasmids.