Background: Pregnancy is associated with alteration in sleep patterns and quality. We wished to investigate whether pregnant women have a higher likelihood of a positive Berlin Questionnaire than non-pregnant women.
Methods: Pregnant women ages 18-45 years (n=4074) presenting for delivery, and non-pregnant women ages 18-45 years (n=490) presenting for outpatient surgery provided demographic information and completed the Berlin Questionnaire evaluating self-reported snoring and daytime sleepiness. For the pregnant patients, the infant's birth weight and Apgar scores were also recorded.
Results: Of the 1439 patients with a positive Berlin Questionnaire, 96 were in the non-pregnant control population versus 1343 in the pregnant population (20% vs. 33%, respectively, P<0.001; odds ratio 2.0 [95% CI: 1.6-2.5]). There was a positive correlation between infant weight and a positive Berlin Questionnaire. The incidence of preeclampsia was greater (odds ratio 3.9) in the pregnant patients with a positive Berlin Questionnaire as compared with the parturients with a negative Berlin Questionnaire (odds ratio 1.1).
Conclusion: Parturients are more likely to have a positive Berlin Questionnaire than non-pregnant women. This may indicate an increased likelihood of sleep disordered breathing.
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