The "standard" Hall A apparatus at Jefferson Lab (TOF and aerogel threshold Cherenkov detectors) does not provide complete identification for proton, kaon and pion. To this aim, a proximity focusing C(6)F(14)/CsI RICH (Ring Image CHerenkov) detector has been designed, built, tested and operated to separate kaons from pions with a pion contamination of a few percent up to 2.4GeV/c. Two quite different experimental investigations have benefitted of the RICH identification: on one side, the high-resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy series of experiments on carbon, beryllium and oxygen, devoted to the study of the lambda-nucleon potential. On the other side, the measurements of the single spin asymmetries of pion and kaon on a transversely polarized (3)He target are of utmost interest in understanding QCD dynamics in the nucleon. We present the technical features of such a RICH detector and comment on the presently achieved performance in hadron identification.
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