The collection of information about events in the healthcare sector has been documented internationally for more than 25 years. Incident reporting is used for the structured acquisition of information about adverse events to improve patient and healthcare staff safety, prepare corrective action, and prevent event recurrence in the future. The establishment of an incident reporting system requires that the staff involved should be capable of recognizing events which require reporting. The aim of this work was to encourage operators to use the incident reporting system and gradually achieve 100% compliance in the reporting of adverse events and corrective and preventive actions taken. The project was carried out by the staff of one NephroCare dialysis center. The parameters observed were how many times the Variance Report was used, how problems were analyzed, and how many times and by what means the medical and nursing staff took action to correct problems. Ten months from the start of the project 100% reporting was achieved. All selected adverse advents were correctly reported and corrective or preventive action was taken to improve patient care and dialysis center organization. Only effective feedback on the results achieved in terms of safety and tangible improvements by staff will allow the number of reports to be kept high, and maintain participants' compliance with the incident reporting system over the long term.