In this paper, program logic will be used to 'map out' the planning, development and evaluation of the general practice Pap nurse program in the Australian general practice arena. The incorporation of program logic into the evaluative process supports a greater appreciation of the theoretical assumptions and external influences that underpin general practice Pap nurse activity. The creation of a program logic model is a conscious strategy that results an explicit understanding of the challenges ahead, the resources available and time frames for outcomes. Program logic also enables a recognition that all players in the general practice arena need to be acknowledged by policy makers, bureaucrats and program designers when addressing through policy, issues relating to equity and accessibility of health initiatives. Logic modelling allows decision makers to consider the complexities of causal associations when developing health care proposals and programs. It enables the Pap nurse in general practice program to be represented diagrammatically by linking outcomes (short, medium and long term) with both the program activities and program assumptions. The research methodology used in the evaluation of the Pap nurse in general practice program includes a descriptive study design and the incorporation of program logic, with a retrospective analysis of Australian data from 2001 to 2009. For the purposes of gaining both empirical and contextual data for this paper, a data set analysis and literature review was performed. The application of program logic as an evaluative tool for analysis of the Pap PN incentive program facilitates a greater understanding of complex general practice activity triggers, and also allows this greater understanding to be incorporated into policy to facilitate Pap PN activity, increase general practice cervical smear and ultimately decrease burden of disease.