Measurement of adherence to clinical standards has become increasingly important to the practice of emergency medicine (EM). In recent years, along with a proliferation of evidence-based practice guidelines and performance measures, there has been a movement to incorporate measurement into reimbursement strategies, many of which affect EM practice. On behalf of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Guidelines Committee 2009-2010, the purposes of this document are to: 1) differentiate the processes of guideline and performance measure development, 2) describe how performance measures are currently and will be used in pay-for-performance initiatives, and 3) discuss opportunities for SAEM to affect future guideline and performance measurement development for emergency care. Specific recommendations include that SAEM should: 1) develop programs to sponsor guideline and quality measurement research; 2) increase participation in the process of guideline and quality measure development, endorsement, and maintenance; 3) increase collaboration with other EM organizations to review performance measures proposed by organizations outside of EM that affect emergency medical care; and 4) answer calls for participation in the selection and implementation of performance measures through The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
© 2010 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.