Preliminary results of inventories of exposure scenarios for nanomaterials have indicated possible dermal exposure. Within the NANOSH project focused on occupational safety and health aspects of nanotechnology a shortened version of the observational DeRmal Exposure AssessMent (DREAM) method was used as an initial method to assess dermal exposure. A total of 45 tasks (such as bagging, dumping, and cleaning) involving different manufactured nanoparticles (MNPs) such as carbon nanotubes, fumed silica, and cerium oxide, were observed in industrial and research facilities. In 39 tasks potential dermal exposure (that is, exposure of the skin and clothing) was likely to occur. Exposure resulted from different routes, including direct contact with MNPs as well as the deposition or transfer of MNPs. The survey showed it is both feasible and useful to assess the potential dermal exposure using shortened DREAM questionnaires.