Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes secrete CLAVATA3 (CLV3)/ESR (CLE)-like effector proteins. These proteins have been shown to act as ligand mimics of plant CLE peptides and are required for successful nematode infection; however, the receptors for nematode CLE-like peptides have not been identified. Here we demonstrate that CLV2 and CORYNE (CRN), members of the receptor kinase family, are required for nematode CLE signaling. Exogenous peptide assays and overexpression of nematode CLEs in Arabidopsis demonstrated that CLV2 and CRN are required for perception of nematode CLEs. In addition, promoter-reporter assays showed that both receptors are expressed in nematode-induced syncytia. Lastly, infection assays with receptor mutants revealed a decrease in both nematode infection and syncytium size. Taken together, our results indicate that perception of nematode CLEs by CLV2 and CRN is not only required for successful nematode infection but is also involved in the formation and/or maintenance of nematode-induced syncytia.
© 2010 The Authors. The Plant Journal © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.