16 preterm babies with birthweights between 738 and 1,390 g (mean: 1,105. SD: +/- 176.7) and with gestational ages between 27 and 31 weeks (mean: 29.5. SD: +/- 1.32), were fed according to a combined scheme: parenteral nutrition, for a period of 12 days, plus enteral feedings of chemically defined diet, given by nasogastric tube through a continuous infusion, until the 35th week of postconceptional age. All 16 babies had a satisfactory course, with no significant side-effects. Their weight gain was between 9 and 22 g/day (mean: 13.8. SD: +/- 4.2). No significant blood biochemical abnormalities were detected. Our results showed that this combined feeding scheme (enteral & parenteral) worked satisfactorily in this group of newborn premature babies.