Objective: To evaluate how endometriosis affects the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors mRNA in granulosa cells.
Design: Prospective study.
Setting: IVF-ET program at Osaka Medical College.
Patient(s): Eighteen patients with revised American Fertility Society stage IV endometriosis and 23 patients with tubal infertility without endometriosis.
Intervention(s): Granulosa cells obtained from patients with endometriosis were examined for estrogen (ER-β, ER-α) and progesterone (PR-A, PR-B) receptor mRNA expression ratio against GAPDH.
Main outcome measure(s): Hormonal environment and clinical outcome were investigated. Expression of ER and PR mRNA were evaluated by StepOne real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis.
Result(s): Total hMG/FSH levels were statistically higher in patients with endometriosis; however, high-quality embryo rates and pregnancy rates were lower in patients with endometriosis than in patients with tubal infertility. Expression of PR-A and ER-α in patients with endometriosis was statistically higher than in patients with tubal infertility. The expression of PRs and ERs in patients with tubal infertility showed a positive correlation; however, it was not identified in the endometriosis group.
Conclusion(s): The higher PR-A and ER-α gene expression in granulosa cells in patients with endometriosis, compared with patients with tubal infertility, might be a leading cause of ovarian dysfunction due to endometriosis.
Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc.