Metacognitive training (MCT) for patients with schizophrenia is a novel psychological group treatment targeting cognitive biases putatively involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia (e.g. jumping to conclusions, overconfidence in errors). Its eight modules are available cost-free online in many languages. In the present study, 36 subacute or remitted patients were randomly allocated to either the MCT or a wait-list group who received treatment-as-usual (TAU). Baseline and post assessments were 8 weeks apart and were performed blind to group status. MCT showed significantly greater improvement on the following parameters relative to the TAU group: delusion distress (PSYRATS), memory and social quality of life. In the MCT group, the rate of jumping to conclusions bias was reduced after training. No differences occurred on the PANSS. The present study confirms prior reports that MCT exerts beneficial effects on some cognitive and symptomatic parameters.
Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd.