Initial Evaluation of Direct 4D Parametric Reconstruction with Human PET Data

IEEE Nucl Sci Symp Conf Rec (1997). 2009 Nov 1;2009(Oct. 24 2009-Nov. 1 2009):2503-2506. doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5402049.


Previously, we presented a direct EM method for producing kinetic parameter images from list mode PET data, where the time-activity curve for each voxel is described by a one-tissue compartment model (1T). The initial evaluations were performed with simulations, without motion, randoms, or scatter effects included. By extension of our previous frame-based physics correction methods, a practical direct 4D parametric reconstruction algorithm is now proposed and implemented for human data. Initial evaluations were performed using 3 human subjects with the serotonin transporter tracer [(11)C]AFM. Comparisons with the 2-step approach (frame-based reconstruction followed by voxel-by-voxel parameter estimation) provided encouraging initial results. Regional analysis showed that the 2-step and 4D methods have similar K(1) and V(T) values, but with a consistent difference. Visual analysis showed some noise reduction in 4D. These initial results suggest that direct 4D parametric reconstruction can be performed with real data, and offers the potential for improved accuracy and precision over the 2-step frame method.