Cold acclimation is the phenomenon in which plants are exposed to low, but nonfreezing, temperatures before exposure to drastic temperatures. To investigate how sunflower plants adjust their metabolism during cold treatment, a comparative proteomic approach, based on spectral counting data, was adopted to identify differentially expressed proteins in leaves of freezing susceptible (Hopi) and tolerant (PI 543006 and BSD-2-691) lines after cold acclimation. In total 718, 675, and 769 proteins were confidently identified by tandem mass spectrometry in Hopi, PI 543006, and BSD-2-691 sunflower lines. Tolerant lines PI 543006 and BSD-2-691 showed the highest number of differentially expressed proteins, as 43, 72, and 168 proteins changed their expression in Hopi, PI 543006, and BSD-2-691 sunflower lines, respectively, at 95% confidence. Cold-responsive proteins were mostly involved in metabolism, protein synthesis, energy, and defense processes in all sunflower lines studied. Hierarchical clustering of all differentially expressed proteins resulted in the characterization of 14 different patterns of expression across Hopi, PI 543006, and BSD-2-691 and indicated that tolerant lines showed different proteome responses to cold acclimation.