We present a case of a patient with end-stage renal disease and nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy (NFD) whose echocardiogram demonstrated rare tricuspid valve abnormality with malcoaptation due to tethering and restricted motion of the leaflets causing severe tricuspid regurgitation. The cardiac abnormalities developed 3 years after her initial diagnosis of NFD was made by skin biopsy. The echocardiographic appearance of the tricuspid valve resembled that seen in patients with carcinoid heart disease; however, an evaluation for carcinoid tumor in our patient was negative. Myocardial biopsy performed at the time of right heart catheterization demonstrated trace gadolinium within the lysosomes of one cardiac fibroblast. This report is the first to describe the association between nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and severe valvular heart disease requiring valve replacement.
© 2011, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.