Aim: The study aims to describe cardiovascular risk factor according to gender in hospital.
Material and methods: Il was a prospective study from april 2007 to march 2008 including 146 highblood pressure patients from 2 medical centre in Bamako. Gathering and analysis were performed with SPSS 11.
Results: 67% were female, the mean age reached 48,82. the BMI was significantly higher in female (P <0,001). Female were mainly registered between 30 and 44 years, and male between 45-59 years. Overweight and obesity were more represented in female and obesity in 30-44 years old patients. Isolated highblood pressure was found in 58,90%, 7,53% of patients had the 3 major cardiovascular risk factor
Conclusion: Isolated highblood pressure was by far the most frequent. Although the cardiovascular risk rises with the others associations, they were rare and don't significantly differ in each gender. The tendency to overweight and obesity in female should be confirmed by others studies.