The usefulness of second-look laparoscopy in the follow-up of ovarian cancer is evaluated. This procedure has been included in the protocol for the treatment of these tumors. During the period 1980-1987 a total of 3038 laparoscopies were performed; 205 (7%) were for ovarian cancer. We present the results of 72 explorations in 52 patients; after surgery and chemotherapy all of them were in complete remission. 44 explorations were second-look laparoscopy and 28 third-look laparoscopy. All the examinations were done under local anesthesia. There were two failures due to the presence of adhesions secondary to the previous surgery which prevented the pneumoperitoneum. In 35 (48.6%) explorations a neoplasia was found and a laparotomy was avoided. There were 31% (4/13) false negative in second-look laparotomy post-laparoscopy. The correlation between gross and microscopic findings was excellent. There were no complications in spite of the previous abdominal surgery. We recommend second-look laparoscopy in patients under treatment of ovarian cancer which in our experience avoided laparotomy almost in half of the cases; no complications were observed and the procedure was well-tolerated.