The paper describes the difficult course of catatonic-paranoid psychosis which began with symptoms similar to the myasthenia. The growing symptoms of catatonia (in this oral mechanisms with the compulsion of mastication, injuring with teeth of the mouth, tongue biting and damage, such as lockjaw) brought about choking which was followed by aspiration pneumonia. The patient had to have pharmacological coma induced, along with muscle relaxation and artificial ventilation in the conditions of the intensive care department. Despite treatment with high doses of neuroleptics, the repeated trials of bringing the patient out from the coma caused recurrence of the catatonic symptoms. A decision was made to go along with electroconvulsive therapy. During one of the ECT treatments there were complications in the form of circulation cessation which required defibrillation. The paper contains basic information about the serious complications of the electroconvulsive therapy. It moreover carries out the critical analysis of the whole treatment period.