Background: Manipulation and improper handling of a tumor during surgery may increase the risk of cancer cell dissemination after a curative gastrectomy. This study investigated the effect of improper handling of lymphovascular pedicles of stomach on tumor spillage during surgical procedure.
Methods: Thirty-eight gastric cancer patients were enrolled. Three pairs of wash samples were obtained from each patient: (1) intraperitoneal wash samples obtained before (P0) and after gastrectomy (P1), (2) intragastric wash samples obtained before any manipulation (G0) and just before resection of the stomach (G1), and (3) ex vivo wash samples obtained by rinsing resected stomach with the lymphovascular pedicles closed by clips (S0) or with the pedicles open (S1). Cytologic examination was performed from all washes, and real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis for carcinoembryonic antigen was performed from washes P0, P1, S0, and S1.
Results: Cytologic examination detected cancer cells in 34.2% (13 of 38) of G0 samples and in 39.5% (15 of 38) of G1 samples. The rate of conversion from G0-negative to G1-positive increased as T stage increased. Cytologic examination detected cancer cells in 2.6% (1 of 38) of S0 samples and in 13.2% (5 of 38) of S1 samples. The carcinoembryonic antigen mRNA level of the S1 sample was 2-fold greater than that of the S0 sample in 50.0% (7 of 14).
Conclusions: Free cancer cells can be released from gastric lumen or lymphovascular pedicles opened during gastric cancer surgery, especially in advanced-stage disease. Care should be taken to minimize spillage from the gastric lumen and lymphovascular pedicles.