Objective: The mechanism of infection-related deaths of pregnant rats and intrauterine growth restriction are not understood. We assessed whether nitric oxide (NO) has differential effects on infection with Escherichia coli Dr/Afa mutants that lack either AfaE or AfaD invasins.
Study design: Sprague-Dawley rats were infected intrauterinally with the clinical strain of E coli AfaE(+)D(+) or 1 of its isogenic mutants in the presence or absence of the NO synthesis inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Maternal/fetal mortality rates, fetoplacental weight, and infection rates were evaluated.
Results: Maternal and/or fetal death was associated with the presence of at least 1 virulence factor (AfaE(+)D(+)>AfaE(+)D(-)>AfaE(-)D(+)) and was increased by L-NAME treatment. The fetal and placental weights were lower than controls and were further reduced by L-NAME treatment.
Conclusion: These results demonstrate that NO enhanced AfaE- and AfaD-mediated virulence and plays an important role in Dr/Afa(+)E coli gestational tropism.
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