Aim: To evaluate the usefulness of the (75)SeHCAT abdominal retention (AR) measurement in the early diagnosis of diarrhea syndrome (DS).
Methods: Thirty-seven patients with diarrhea syndrome within the first month of evolution were prospectively evaluated. The (75)Se-SeHCAT abdominal retention was measured 4 and 7 days post-administration of 0.01 mCi of (75)SeHCAT. The test was performed prior to treatment and at 3 months when the baseline study was positive. The test was considered positive if the RA was <25% at 4(th) and <10% on the 7th day. The patients were visited at 3 months. Depending on the response, 3 groups were established: a) complete response: normalization of stool frequency, b) partial response, decrease of frequency or c) no response.
Results: Group A: The AR of (75)Se-SEHCAT was normal in 21 patients. Six were diagnosed of colonic diverticulosis, 8 of irritable bowel syndrome, 1 of lymphocytic colitis, 1 of post-gastroenteritis syndrome, 1 of celiac disease and 1 of stenosis of the cardia. Four are still under study. Group B: The AR of (75)Se-SEHCAT decreased in 16 patients. All showed abnormal AR at day 7 and all but 1 at day 4. Following administration of cholestyramine resin, 8 (50%) presented partial response and 8 (50%) complete response. At 3 months, AR had increased at day 4 and 9 at day 7.
Conclusion: The measurement of (75)SEHCAT abdominal retention allows the early diagnosis of bile acid malabsorption in 43% of the patients with DS. Measurement at 7 days seems more accurate than that at 4 days.
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