The patient was a 52-year-old woman who visited our hospital for the chief complaint of a strange sensation in the left temporomandibular joint region on February 22, 1992. On the first examination, crepitus was heard, but no disturbance of mouth opening was noted. On panoramic radiography, radiopaque bodies were present in the left temporomandibular joint region, diagnosed as synovial chondromatosis. Course observation without active treatment was selected. Calcified bodies were noted on the lateral side directly below the left temporomandibular articular tubercle on the first computed tomography image performed in December 1998. Reportedly, this lesion grows slowly, but the lesions started to enlarge at a specific time point during the 17-year follow-up in this patient, showing the necessity of long-term follow-up by imaging even though no quality-of-life reduction or subjective symptom is observed.
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